
041 chew the fat 闲聊;八卦  045 cold feet 胆怯,临阵退缩  052 dont count your chickens ( before they are hatched) 话别说得太早;不要打如意算盘  056 down to the wire 不到最后关头难分胜负;拮据的  065 face the music 面对困难,承担后果  068 (a) far cry from 相差很多  069 feather in (ones) cap 丰功伟业  074 foot the bill 付账  077 (a) frog in (ones) throat 喉咙不舒服  样样都懂,却样样不精通的人  145 money is the root of all evil 钱是万恶之源  149 neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下  151 needle in a haystack 大海捞针  157 nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干  165 olive branch 和平  176 pass the buck 推卸责任  178 pay through the nose 付出大笔钱  188 push the envelope 挑战极限  192 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 195 read between the lines 弦外之音  203 rule of thumb 经验法则  205 run of the mill 普通  209 seal (ones) fate 决定(某人的)命运  217 smart aleck / alec 自作聪明的人  219 soap opera 连续剧  220 spitting image 一模一样的人  264 you are what you eat 吃什么像什么  马到河边不喝水,逼马低头也枉然 这是一本轻松诙谐的漫画书,也是一本辅助你学习英语的俚语书


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