这两天,80后女作家郝景芳获“ 雨 果奖”引发了大量讨论







刘宇昆,英文名Ken Liu,是美籍华裔,除了 刘慈欣 的《三体》,他还翻译过陈楸帆、夏笳和马伯庸等作家的作品

刘慈欣曾这样评价刘宇昆对《三体》的翻译: “翻译作品总是在跨越两个不同的文化和时空,就本书而言,这座桥梁就是刘宇昆


” 亚马逊上的外国读者在读了英文版《三体》后,也大赞译者, 说这本书读着完全不像一本译著


他的短篇小说《手中纸,心中爱》( The Paper Menagerie )曾横扫全球众多科幻奖项 ,其中就包括雨果奖(2012年)和星云奖 (2011年) 的 最佳短篇故事奖

他的优秀作品还有很多: The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary ( 《终结历史之人》 ): 提名星云奖(2011年)、雨果奖(2012年) Mono No Aware ( 《物哀》 ):获雨果奖最佳短篇故事奖(2013年);入围轨迹奖最佳短篇小说奖 The Regula r(《正常》):提名星云奖最佳中篇小说(2015年) Good Hunting (《狩猎愉快》):获日本星云奖最佳海外短篇奖(2016年) 他不仅写小说,他写的小说还被影视公司改编成电影…… 今年5月刘宇昆就在博客中公布消息:影视公司 Studio 8 已经买下他的短篇小说 “The Hidden Girl”的改编权,打算拍成电影

According to this description on Deadline, t he story is about a team of assassins who are able to navigate between dimensions. It’s got stylish touches reminiscent of Interstellar and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon . 据Deadline描述, “The Hidden Girl”讲述的是 一群能在不同维度之间穿梭的杀手们的故事,会让人联想到诺兰的《星际穿越》和李安的《卧虎藏龙》

此外,他在2012年发表的微型小说“ Memories of My Mother ”,也被改编成了一个26分钟的短片“ Beautiful Dreamer ”


我们来看看预告片: 一路惊叹下来,再看看他的履历,我们又发现了他更多的身份…… 刘宇昆 1976年 生于兰州的一个传统知识分子家庭,11岁随父母移民美国






来练听力: 再回来说说他的翻译

关于翻译, 刘宇昆有个很有趣的比方: 翻译别人的作品就像照顾别人家的孩子一样,责任重大

(南方都市报采访) 对于翻译界讨论颇多的“ 忠实原文 ”的问题,他也有自己的见解: 尽可能将原文的意思完整地表达出来,不做过多的雕琢但也不遗漏重要的东西


(南方都市报采访) 所以,有时刘宇昆会特意保留原文的痕迹,制造出一种“陌生化”的效果,例如 将成语“投鼠忌器”直译成: do not throw a shoe at a mouse sitting beside an expensive vase 不向金贵花瓶旁边的老鼠扔鞋子 而不将成语的潜在含义翻译出来,他觉得这样能增强读者在阅读时的好奇感

关于这种翻译处理,刘宇昆去年4月在Reddit网站上回答外国网友的提问,也曾阐述过一些,我们来看看他的回答: 问:你曾讲在翻译《三体》的时候你选择了忠于原著,而不是倾向于让西方读者更容易接受,这是为什么? 答:Talking about “faithfulness” in translation is tricky. “To translate is to betray” is an adage popular among translators, and I think there’s much truth in it. And the definition of “faith” in translation is contested. Who should the translator be faithful to? (The author, the book, the reader in the source community, the reader in the target community, all of them, none of them?) 翻译的“忠实”是个很复杂的问题


对“忠实”的定义也存在争议,译者应该忠实于谁?(作者、原著、源语言读者、目标读者、他们所有人?还是都不对?) And there are many ways to be “faithful” — is it more faithful to provide in-text explanations or footnotes for cultural concepts unfamiliar to the target reader or to not add in such interpretations? Is it more faithful to use a commonly accepted but problematic translation like “filial piety” or to coin a new phrase? “忠实”的方法也有很多种:对目标读者不熟悉的文化概念,提供文中注释或脚注,是否比不提供更“忠实”?使用更能被普遍认可的但是有问题的翻译,例如“filial piety(孝道)”,是否比创造新短语更“忠实”? Translation is a matter of compromises. 翻译是一个妥协的问题

I prefer to say that I tried as much as possible to be faithful to my own conception of the work. If a translation is a performance, then I tried to stick to the score —as I understood it after consulting the composer—and to limit improvised embellishments only to instances where they’re absolutely necessary. 我宁愿这样说:我尽可能忠实于自己对作品的认识

如果翻译是一场表演,我会尽量按乐谱演奏 ——因为我是在咨询了作曲者的基础上理解的——并且尽量不去即兴创作,除了非常有必要的时候


原文 :老刀回家洗了个澡,换了衣服


译文 :Lao Dao had gone home, first to shower and then to change. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of brown pants—the only decent clothes he owned. The shirt’s cuffs were frayed, so he rolled them up to his elbows. 原文 :这一次他不想脏兮兮地见陌生人


译文 :Today, however, he was apprehensive about meeting strangers without looking at least somewhat respectable. After five hours at the waste processing station, he also had misgivings about how he smelled. 原文 :老刀又下意识闻了闻小臂,不知道身上还有没有垃圾的腥味

译文 :Lao Dao sniffed his forearms again to be sure that the stench of garbage was off of him. 原文 :另外两个少年对谈话没兴趣,还在埋头吃面,小李低头看着他们,眼睛似乎穿过他们,看到了某个看不见的地方,目光里有热切

译文 :The other two youths weren’t interested in the conversation and concentrated on shoveling food from the plate into the mouth. Li watched them, and his yearning gaze seemed to go through them and focus on something beyond. 原文 :他开始做准备,若彭蠡一时再不回来,他就要考虑自己行动了

译文 :He began to steel himself. If Peng Li didn’t return in time, he would have to go on this journey without consulting him. 原文 :老刀要去第一空间送一样东西,送到了挣十万块,带来回信挣二十万

译文 :Lao Dao’s errand required him to deliver a message to First Space—success would earn him a hundred thousand yuan, and if he managed to bring back a reply, two hundred thousand. 原文 :老刀顺着彭蠡指出的路径快速向下爬


译文 :Lao Dao followed Peng Li’s directions and groped his way down as quickly as he dared; the footholds felt very secure. 原文 :转换开始了


译文 :The Change began. This was a process repeated every twenty–four hours. 原文 :霓虹灯、店铺招牌、阳台和附加结构都被吸收入墙体,贴成楼的肌肤


译文 :Neon signs, shop awnings, balconies, and other protruding fixtures retracted into the buildings or flattened themselves into a thin layer against the walls, like skin. Every inch of space was utilized as the buildings compacted themselves into the smallest space. 原文 :第一空间居民也因而认为自身的底蕴更厚

译文 :The residents of First Space considered the extra soil a natural emblem of their possession of a richer, deeper heritage. 原文 :老刀的父亲靠强健的意志在汹涌的人流中抓住机会的细草,待人潮退去,留在干涸的沙滩上,抓住工作机会,低头俯身,艰难浸在人海和垃圾混合的酸朽气味中,一干就是二十年


译文 :Strong–willed, Lao Dao’s father had held fast onto the thin reed of opportunity as the tide of humanity surged and then receded around him, until he found himself a survivor on the dry beach. His father had then kept his head down and labored away in the acidic rotten fetor of garbage and crowding for twenty years. He had built this city; he was also a resident and a decomposer. 原文 :他们就这么干着,以速度换生命,以数量换取薄如蝉翼的仅有的奖金

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