
Dr Lucy Rogers will visit SWJTU Makerspace this Saturday,and hold a meeting to exchange experiences with chengdu makers especially for RaspberryPi.Welcome everyone!

本周来自英国的Lucy Rogers博士将在交大创客空间与成都的创客们相互交流,欢迎大家参加。




Dr Lucy Rogers Biography

Lucy has made a career out of having fun.

Her curiosity and determination have taken her to interesting places – from working in the mountains of Nepal and shipyards in Hong Kong and China to watching the Space Shuttle launch and making gadgets and gizmos for a theme park.

Her career started traditionally, with a Mechanical Engineering Degree at Lancaster University, followed by a Graduate Training Scheme at Rolls Royce. She then worked for a small firm, researching bubbles (fire fighting equipment), for which she gained a PhD.

After deciding that she would rather just do more fun things, she has ignored the traditional rules, and now has a portfolio career – one that encompasses making, thinking, sharing, laughing and stretching herself. She has also set herself the goal of “positively affecting the lives of a billion people”.

She has been professionally recognized. She is a Fellow of both the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and of the Royal Astronomical Society. Her book “It's ONLY Rocket Science” is widely respected in both the space industry and in education.

In 2013 she was highly commended by Royal Academy of Engineering for the public promotion of engineering and was shortlisted for the WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Media Award.

When she’s not working, she makes things for fun – such as a chariot for a local gravity cart down hill race. Some of her contraptions appear on her web site www.lucyrogers.com

Her latest blog posts are at:




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