最近,一部关注民生现实的新剧走进大众视野,成为各种辣眼睛神剧之中的一股清流—— 《小别离》 China is set to get a new TV show which is based on the life of students who go abroad to study. The up-and-coming TV series will focus on the rising trend among Chinese teenagers of going abroad to study. 中国出了部围绕学生出国留学生活展开的新剧


The TV series is called “A Love for Separation,” and will have 36 episodes. It will document the joys and sorrows of three families in China who send their middle school children to the West to further their education. 这部叫《小别离》的电视剧共36集


The lead stars like the famous Chinese actor Hai Qing and Huang Lei, Chinese music band TFBOYS will also star in the series. Director and actor Wang Jun said in his latest interview that the show is adapted from a best-selling novel, and they expect the audience to love it. It will portray the changing era and the lives of immigrant young adults, the kind of hardships they face and how they overcome them. 该剧由知名演员海清和黄磊领衔主演




豆瓣评分高达8.0,看来口碑还是有保障的: 这部剧可谓是戳中了观众的许多痛点: 关注教育留学问题 《纽约时报》(New York Times)之前对于中国留学生有过这样的报道: From 1978 to 2003, a total number of 700,200 Chinese students and scholars studied in 108 countries and regions all over the world, covering almost all disciplines. With encouragement of government policy, more young people are leaving China to study abroad. 从1978年到2003年,一共有7万200名中国学生和学者在全世界108个国家和地区学习,涵盖了几乎所有的学科


These Haigui (nickname for the Chinese students and scholars returned from overseas) brought back the advanced technology and management that China needed badly in its economic take-off and in the meantime, they succeeded in their career development in China. “Study abroad” spurred economic development, but at the same time also brought in some other problems such as the Western ideas and culture flooded into China. 这些海龟(对从海外回来的中国学生和学者的昵称)回巢给中国带来了经济迅猛发展之时,迫切需要的先进技术和管理,他们在中国事业有成


There are more and more Chinese students studying abroad now. Some of them are still studying in foreign countries, some have returned to China after studying abroad, while still others have stayed in foreign countries after competing their studies. 现在越来越多的中国学生出国留学


In the past, U. S. attracted a large portion of the total number of Chinese students studying abroad. But statistics show that Chinese students have increased drastically in countries like Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Singapore, Germany and France in recent years. Statistics show that young people studying abroad under 22 have increased at an annual rate of 40 percent over the past three years. 在过去,中国留学生去美国留学占大比例




无论是70后、80后、90后还是00后,都能在剧中找到共鸣;这部剧已被媒体和业内一致锁定为2016年“全民话题剧” 与之前一些涉及到出国情节的剧目相比,《小别离》没有大量描述海外生活,而是重点表现三个家庭同样面对“要不要出国”、“出国需要付出什么代价”、“美国的教育一定强于中国吗”等一系列问题,完全不同的想法和行动,如实反映了当前社会的几种典型家庭形象,引人深思

不同家庭对于出国的不同抉择 三个家庭对于出国的思考和解决方式各不相同: 1)  富裕家庭学费不是问题,只是儿子太叛逆管不住

2)  中产家庭则在“给孩子更好的教育环境还是重视家庭完整”的选择上摇摆


展现不同角色的内心世界 《小别离》中对于中国家庭教育观的讨论非常真实,台词接地气:“你今天进不了前100,你就进不了重点高中,你进不了重点高中,你就进不了重点大学,进不了重点大学,你等于这辈子就完啦




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