中文名: C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
作者: 图书
分类: 软件
资源格式: PDF
版本: 第五版
出版社: Course Technology
书号: 9780538798082
发行时间: 2010年3月10日
C++ PROGRAMMING: FROM PROBLEM ANALYSIS TO PROGRAM DESIGN, FIFTH EDITION, is the latest edition of the definitive text for CS1 courses. Author D.S. Malik continues to employ his student-focused, example-based methodology to teach C++ programming to introductory computing students. Each chapter includes new debugging sections, a wealth of new and updated exercises, and many helpful self-study tools such as complete programming examples. All syntax is explained thoroughly and reinforced through extensive examples and diagrams, and students are motivated to understand the "why?" behind key C++ concepts.
Table of Contents
1. An Overview of Computers and Programming Languages
2.Basic Elements of C++
4.Control Structures I (Selection)
5.Control Structures II (Repetition)
6.User-Defined Function I
7.User-Defined Function II
8.Namespaces, the class string, and User-Defined Simple Data Types
10.Applications of Arrays and the Class Vector a. Sequential Search b. Selection Sort c. Binary Search d. The Class Vector
12.Classes and Data Abstractions
13.Inheritance and Composition
14.Pointers, Classes, and Virtual Functions
15.Operator Overloading
16.Exception Handling


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