全球最大对沖基金之一的桥水(Bridgewater)创办人、有「避险基金之王」称号的达里欧(Ray Dalio)
Ladies and gentlemen, to join the Prime Minister in conversation
Please welcome to stage The Founder, Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Bridge Water Associations, Mr. Ray Dalio
Welcome, let’s just jump right into it
In our 15min, which is way too short, I’d like to divide it in half
And get your perspective of the world as a whole
And then, focus on the other half of your perspective of India so that we can learn more about it
But before I do, rather than knowing what you think I’d like to a little focus on how you think
We were talking before about meditation. We both mediate.
And it has an effect on how you think I think.
So I wonder whether you can share some thoughts about how you think and, how that pertains to looking at the world
You’ve asked a very important question
It is true that whether it’s a man’s life journey or a journey of health, conflicts at every other step is a natural phenomenon
So at that time we should develop a mechanism for conflict resolution
I can vouch from my experience and you as well, being a person related to meditation.
We know very well that meditation plays a vital role in having a balanced thoughts, a balanced life and the right view of the world
When you observe the situations by detaching yourself
You end up walking towards the direction of balanced thoughts and meaningful decisions
During the entire process, the people who are associated with regular meditation feel a particular sense of energy within themselves
So, yes, you said right, that meditation has its own importance
But, as far as the world’s condition is in question, we are seeing that conversations on peace have mostly existed during this and the previous century
Whereas, the most number of conflicts also happened during this and the previous century
As a result of which holier than thou, the idea of superiority, rejection of the existence of equal life and everyone should grow together,
such lack in ideas becomes the cause of us ending up in struggles
Our road to growth also became attaining victory, demanding others.
Amidst all this, conflicts rose.
I believe, in this world, true thinking can help us find a way out
Meditation tends to bring one above circumstances and look down on them
And I wonder if we can talk about the world from the perspective of five major issues
It seems to me that in the world, particularly in the developed world there’s a great deal of conflict you talked about.
That the rich and the poor, the capitalists and the socialists, those different values
So conflict, as it affects capitalism, as it affects the way we are with each other is one dimension
Second dimension is the international changing of the world order
The rise of powers, India, China, and others and the associated conflicts with those
The third is a reduced effectiveness of reserved currency countries to be able to ease their monetary policy
So there is not as much stimulation
The forth, that you touch on is climate
And the fifth is technology
I want leave that open to you to describe what you think the emerging world order will be like in light of those things and feel free to touch on any of them if you like
You’re right that there was a time when a bipolar world existed and because of this, every other country was part of some group
Understanding the situation had also become a tradition
Today the world has changed
Today we have a multipolar world
Today every country of the world is interdependent and inter connected
Each country has its own reasonable needs and its technology plays a role in it
And in such conditions, view of the world three, four decades ago has ended
We have to change our mind
Today the importance of the smallest of the countries is increasing
Everyone is required somewhere
That is why we have chosen to strengthen this multipolar world
We may have a myriad of mindsets
We may be socialist, capitalist, whichever thinking we may have but ultimately for the welfare of mankind
Wu must focus on what we are contributing towards it
There was a time when power was associated with expansionism
The number of regions you own, the number of regions you can own with your power
On the basis of such expansionism the world power was analyzed.
Today, evolutionism is growing over expansionism
What great height are you achieving in growth, what innovation are you finding,
what changes are you bringing among your people,
how important the intervention of changing technology is happening
how you manage to vertically uplift your region,
and the importance of doing good is going to increase
and therefore, healthy competition: we move towards evolutionism and grow vertically
It we grow vertically then its light will be reflected upon our underdeveloped public
This is why we have to work in this direction
On the other side, within the last two, three centuries, the growth rate in the field of technology witnessed by the world
has now increased profoundly, compared to before
Earlier, the progress in technology was in bits and pieces but nowadays, there’s no single aspect of life which is not driven by technology
Therefore, we have to train our upcoming generation for innovation with human compassion because you don’t want to create robots
Instead, we want to create living humans.
To present the world with compassion and technology,
to create a balance between human values would be a great responsibility
And I believe that the world will have to focus a lot on that
While you describe what we must do, I wonder your thoughts about whether we will do it
and how we have to approach that
So when we say ‘We’, it’s each individual
So let’s look at some of them
We have the trade conflict, we have a technology conflict, we have a capital and currency conflict going on
and we have geo-political conflicts going on
we don’t have a world organization or world rulebook
I have to be a pragmatist and you’re having to be a pragmatist
How will we work together
How will that play out in your mind
You have described the present war in exact words
Just the way the kinds of war have increased, in the same way the reasons for war have also increased
Water as well as land are the cause for war
Sky and space are also causes for war
We are digging new arenas for war and this is a sign of mankind’s weakness
This is true that when the UN was formed, an institution which would act as a catalytic agent in conflict resolution
but unfortunately we failed to develop the UN as an institution
After 70 years, it felt that the UN would undergo reforms and bring a change but it did not happen
The UN would now become 75 years old
I would want every powerful country to join and determine the nature, norms and the responsibilities of other countries for the reformed UN in 2021
If we satisfy ourselves with the UN’s role during an epidemic or a natural calamity
then uniting the world would not happen
Another unfortunate situation is that powerful people have taken to forming the UN as an instrument instead of an institution,
because of which the UN failed to provide a neutral, global, rule-based contribution
Where does conflict begin?
In my opinion, some people think so highly of themselves that they don’t believe in law, whereas some people are buried under the burden of law
If we want to run the world, then we ought to follow the rules
The universe is also working because every element like the Sun obey its rules, the Moon follows its rules, the Earth follows its rules and none of them break the rules
Similarly, the countries of the world would will have to obey global rules and we should act collectively against violation of rules
Only then we can isolate such a power and try bringing them onto the correct path
That’s one of the reasons I started with the topic of meditation to rise above it and hopefully deal with the common good and the capacity to do that
I hope your musts get accomplished
Turing to India, one of the things I think that you’ve done, well you’ve done many remarkable things
but one of them is to represent all of the people in India or the vast majority
You’re not representing the poor or the rich
You’re not representing on faction in relationship to anther
You’ve joined the country together
You’ve made tremendous accomplishments
You’ve brought something like 500 million toilets and, you’ve brought water
and you will bring water to all of those people
And you’re changing their wellbeing in a united way
So you don’t seem to encounter the same political challenges that a lot of leaders face
You seem to have brought it together
And you’re creating an economy that is making a great deal of progress for all of the people in a broader way
I’d like to get your sense of what is it like to be in your shoes
I don’t have a political background. I come from a very common family
I have not seen poverty in books, instead I have lived in it
I have lived my life in poverty
I have gotten here by selling tea on railway platforms, and therefore feeling this pain comes naturally to me,
that my strength, my time and my work benefits them
I have managed to eliminate poverty in India at a very steady rate in a few years
My method to eliminate poverty is by empowering the poor
If we give power to the poor, then they themselves would come out of it
That is why there are various schemes
Second thing is that the poor need dignity
When I give them a toilet, I’m not giving them a facility, I’m giving them dignity
When I open a person’s bank account, his balance does not matter
The fact that he opened the bank account is his dignity
That even though I am poor, I also go to the bank like a rich person
This empowerment, this dignity, changes his thinking
and I have targeted that and have achieved success in my country
My inner satisfaction is that the poor are saying that they are going to eradicate poverty.
Nothing beats this satisfaction.
That is why I took this work
I don’t have the nature of power, I don’t accept it.
I accept the nature of service
Wherever you are, service must be your prime nature.
I keep trying and with the blessing of the elders
I keep trying to utilize my power with this nature of service
Help others and bring about change
The most important point here is when India undergoes a change, then it’s not just a personal change.
When I build toilets, the open defecation-free society is built, then the numbers of the world also change
If I remove poverty from my country, then the world poverty numbers also change
In other words, a change in India adds to the change in the world
This satisfies me that the task I have been given of my country leads me to change the world as well
Like the world has decided to become TB free by 2030, we have decided to do it by 2025
If we achieve this, then the world won’t have to wait till 2030
Maybe they succeed it by 2028
This means that India’s contribution is for the global good
It would play a major role and this satisfaction is experienced by me
One more question because we’re out of time
Your combination of human capital and technology is very interesting
In much of the world technology is replacing jobs and it increases the wealth gap
I’d like your thoughts on combining your human capital and raising the capacity of human capital with technology,
and, using that as a combination to raise India
You have asked a very good question and it is very true.
India is a very fortunate country as 65% of our population is below the age of 35 years
The necessity of skill development and human resource development as well on a global level, it produces a great strength
When I’m in Saudi Arabia and I meet the majestic king, he very proudly tells me that
“Brother! I love you very much and do you know why?
Because I was taught by an Indian teacher in my childhood.”
This means the human capital of India, taught the king of Saudi Arabia.
This is such a great power and great use
I believe that we should work on the larger good, with human capital or with any other resources
But we should bring about change within the time that suits.
Create upgradations and if possible, then complete them before time
If space is going to be a global interest, then I should also focus on its development
As you know, India’s space program is different than the world’s space program
The expense of India’ Moon journey is lesser than a Hollywood film
This is a very big achievement in itself
This means my human resource managed to complete the Moon journey with lesser expenditure than the expenditure of a Hollywood film
This means my human recourse capacity has given it a new power
This is why, we should prepare such manpower that utilize minimum global resources and does not burden the world capabilities
We should create a manpower that sees ahead of time as well
Prepare technology with innovation spirit
Nowadays, I am competing my youth with the world youth in a hackathon
because meeting of mind is needed in global upcoming leaderships
Similarly, I am joining the youth of the startups around the world with my country’s startup youth
so that the global manpower is bridged during the student age
Even if they are in small numbers, I am giving my attention to it
I believe that this approach would emerge as a power in coming years which would cause a change in the world
Well, thank you for your perspective and also, thank you for what you are doing.