
Managing Organizational Ecologies: Space, Management, and Organizations 企业机构的生态管理:空间,管理和组织机构 这本书的名称就很有意思,将空间问题置于企业生态的语境中,更为贴合“员工工作空间管理”的本意

空间管理书籍:企业机构的生态管理 Part 1: Organizational Ecologies 组织生态 1. Organizational Ecologies and Declared Realities 组织生态与现实声明 2. Workplace Redesign to Support the ‘Front End’ of Innovation 工作空间重新设计以支持创新的“前端” 3. Managing Facilities for Human Capital Value 为人类的重大投资价值而进行设施管理 4. Facilities in Popular Culture  流行文化中的设施概念 5. Facilitating Creative Environment 促进形成创新环境 6. Spatial Ecology: Learning and Working Environments that Change People and Organizations 空间生态:改变人们与组织的学习和工作环境 Part 2: Social Constructs and Contradictions 社会结构和矛盾 7. The Social Construction of FM Communities FM社区中的社会结构 8. Philosophical Contradictions in FM FM中的哲学矛盾 9. The Usability of Facilities: Experiences And Effects 设施的可用性:经验与效果 10. Service-centric Logic of FM FM的以服务为中心的逻辑 11. Value Rhetoric and Cost Reality 12. Ecologies in Existence: Boundaries, Relationships and Dominant Part 3: Management Issues 管理议题 13. Co-creation of Value in FM FM中的价值共同创造 14. FM as a Social Enterprise 作为社会机构的FM 15. Strategies for Communication 沟通策略 16. Educational Implications of an FM Social Constructionist View FM的社会建构视角下的教育启发 Part 4: Applications in Practice 实践应用 17. Conversational Networks in Knowledge Offices 知识办公的沟通网络 18. Creating Effective Learning Environments: Meeting the Challenges 创建高效率的学习环境 19. Dense Networks and Managed Dialogue: The Impact on the Patient Environment 密集的网络和受管理的对话:对患者环境的影响 20. Spaces and the Co-Evolution of Practices within a UK Metallurgical Equipment Supplier The term Facilities Management has become global but fraught with confusion as to what the term signifies. For some, notably in the USA, Facilities Management remains a discipline of human ecology. Elsewhere the term has become conflated with an alternative meaning: providing or outsourcing the provision of various services essential to the operation of particular buildings. This volume redresses that imbalance to remind Facilities Management of its roots, presenting evidence of Facilities Management success stories that engage the wider objectives of the organizations they serve, and engaging students, scholars and critical practitioners of general management with an appreciation of the power and influence of physical space and its place in the theory and practice of organizations. This book includes management perspectives from outside the field to ensure that the issues raised are seen in an organizational and management context, informing debate within the Facilities Management fraternity. It draws on human ecology and the perspective of the firm as, itself, an intra-organizational ecology of social constructs. The ecology of a firm is not restricted to the firm’s boundaries. It extends to wider relationships between the firm and its stakeholders including, in an age of outsourced building services, the Facilities Management supply chain. This volume offers arguments and evidence that managing such constructs is a key role for Facilities Management and an important participant in the provision of truly usable spaces.

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