阿姨妈妈说 我们给孩子读书最重要的不是读多而是读精,不能盲目的只是买、买、买,而是选好书读透




今天我们就来看看悦是如何用一本颜色书教给悦娃二十首童谣并让自己在八卦里学习了历史, ,这篇文章原发布于悦娃悦己公众号分上下两篇,因为信息量太大,这里分成四篇推送,前两篇是童谣篇,后两篇未八卦篇,家长可以各取所需


如果想看 学龄前儿童十大寓教于乐童谣儿歌节目大汇总 (不是十首歌,是十个节目,包含无数首歌),关注阿姨妈妈公号后,点击下方阅~方法,在绘本动画栏目就能看到

今天介绍的是内容最丰富的颜色绘本《颜色的世界》及包含童谣二十首的《Nursey Rhyme Rainbow》


棕色Brown It’s not a good time for the Hickory Clock… the little brown mouse gave him rather a shock! 画家走进了海边的房子,里面是棕色的大钟,有只棕色的老鼠在上面;墙上有棕色的蛾子、棕色的母鸡花纹,窗户里可以看见猫头鹰棕色的背影

↜↜↜↜↜1̨3̨↝↝↝↝↝ Hickory, Dickory, Dock Hickory, dickory, dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory, dickory, dock. ▼点击收听 剧情朗读版 儿歌版 Child’s Play的洞洞书,很有趣哦


桔色Orange Old Mother Hubbard loves to share… but her bright orange cupboard is totally bare. 画家追着老鼠来到厨房,老母亲哈伯德穿着桔色的上衣,来到桔色的橱柜前给狗找骨头,但那里空空如也


↜↜↜↜↜1̨4̨↝↝↝↝↝ Old Mother Hubbard Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To fetch her poor dog a bone; But when she got there The cupboard was bare And so the poor dog had none. She went to the fishmonger’s To buy him some fish; But when she came back He was licking the dish. She went to the fruiterer’s To buy him some fruit, But when she came back. He was playing the flute. ▼点击收听 绿松石色、青色Turquoise Jill went to fetch water from Turquoise Well… but Jack tripped up and down they fell. 画家和老母亲哈伯德挥手再见,爬上了山


↜↜↜↜↜1̨5̨↝↝↝↝↝ Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after ▼点击收听 紫色Purple Poor Humpty’s purple from his fall- these men will try to mend it all. Humpty Dumpty先生穿着紫色的衣服,从墙上摔了下来


院墙的门口,鹅妈妈走过去(Old Mother Goose),后面还跟着一只穿蓝衣服的兔子

↜↜↜↜↜1̨6̨↝↝↝↝↝ Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty together again ▼点击收听 儿歌版 音效朗读版 ↜↜↜↜↜1̨7̨↝↝↝↝↝ Old Mother Goose Old Mother Goose, When she wanted to wander, Would ride through the air On a very fine gander. Mother Goose had a house, ‘Twas built in a wood, Where an owl at the door For sentinel stood She had a son Jack, A plain-looking lad, He was not very good, Nor yet very bad. She sent him to market, A live goose he bought: See, mother, says he, I have not been for nought. Jack’s goose and her gander Grew very fond; They’d both eat together, Or swim in the pond. Jack found one fine morning, As I have been told, His goose had laid him An egg of pure gold. Jack ran to his mother The news for to tell, She called him a good boy, And said it was well. Jack sold his gold egg To a merchant untrue, Who cheated him out of A half of his due. The Jack went a-courting A lady so gay, As fair as the lily, And sweet as the May. The merchant and squire Soon came at his back, And began to belabour The sides of poor Jack. Then Old Mother Goose That instant came in, And turned her son Jack Into famed Harlequin. She then with her wand Touched the lady so fine, And turned her at once Into sweet Columbine. The gold egg in the sea Was thrown away then, When an odd fish brought her The egg back again. The merchant then vowed The goose he would kill, Resolving at once His pockets to fill. Jack’s mother came in, And caught the goose soon, And mounting its back, Flew up to the moon. ▼点击收听 粉色Pink Though five pink piggies all love to eat, who’s not getting a roast beef treat? 画家来到五只小猪家门口,它们正吃烤牛肉呢!小猪的肤色当然是粉色的啦,还有的小猪穿着粉色的衣服


↜↜↜↜↜1̨8̨↝↝↝↝↝ This Little Piggy This little piggy went to market, This little piggy stayed home, This little piggy had roast beef This little piggy had none, And this little piggy cried wee wee wee all the way home. ▼点击收听 脚趾游戏 第一句:Wiggle the “big” toe—摇晃大脚趾 第二句:Wiggle the “long” toe—摇晃二脚趾 第三句:Wiggle the “middle” toe—摇晃三脚趾 第四句:Wiggle the “ring” toe—摇晃次小趾 第五句:Wiggle the “pinky” toe and tickle the bottom of the foot—摇晃小脚趾并挠脚心 这首歌既是脚指谣,又是计数谣


这首歌最早的完全版收录于《 The Famous Tommy Thumb’s Little Story-Book》,1760年出版

银色Silver In the magical light of a silver moon, watch swift little Dish run away with her Spoon. 月亮是银色的、盘子和勺子是银色的


↜↜↜↜↜1̨9̨↝↝↝↝↝ Hey Diddle, Diddle Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed, To see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon. ▼点击收听 儿歌版 摇滚版 这首童谣流传甚广,我们在许多经典绘本中都能发现它的踪迹:《我爸爸》跳过了月亮;《逃家小兔》的房间里挂着这幅画,当然《晚安,月亮》里面也有;《三只小猪》从画里逃出来,进入了它的世界,还拐带出了拉Fiddle的小猫


金色Golden In the golden palace of Old King Cole, everybody is a merry old soul! 国王的房间当然是金碧辉煌,连门口脚凳上的梨都是金色的


↜↜↜↜↜2̨0̨↝↝↝↝↝ Old King Cole Old King Cole Was a merry old soul And a merry old soul was he; He called for his pipe And he called for his bowl And he called for his fiddlers three. ▼点击收听 PS: The Queen of Hearts The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts all on a summer’s day; The Knave of Hearts he stole the tarts and took them clean away. The King of Hearts called for the tarts and beat the Knave full sore The Knave of Hearts brought back the tarts and vowed he’d steal no more. ▼点击收听 这首童谣首次出版于1782年

大家熟知的红心皇后的经典形象,其实出于1865年 Lewis G. Carroll首次出版的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中

红心皇后以她的残暴而著名,当她被她的仆人惹恼时,她总是大吼:“砍掉他们的头!” 彩虹Rainbow The Nursery Rhyme Rainbow has come to play… It’s time to start a brand new day! 画家回到了他的飘窗前,雨过天晴出现了彩虹,窗外是那些绚丽的童谣人物

画家揉着眼睛,这一切情景是他做的一个梦吗? 另外,可以与画中联系的童谣(非Alison Jay指明童谣)还有《Ride a cock-horse to Banbury cross》、《run, rabbit, run》、《The petter rabbit》、《Itsy-bitsy Spider》、《Row Row Row Your Boat》、《Hickety pickety my black hen》、《To market,to market》等

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 资料来源:维基百科、百度百科 书籍图片出自《Nursery rhyme rainbow》、曲谱图片部分出自《Weesing》,请支持正版! 如果觉得有用,请转发给更多的人 如果想看学龄前儿童十大寓教于乐童谣儿歌节目大汇总(不是十首歌,是十个节目,包含无数首歌),关注阿姨妈妈公号后,点击下方阅~方法,在绘本动画栏目就能看到

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